
Pornography: It’s not just a guy thing.
I unexpectedly had a fifteen year old girl come up to me yesterday and ask for prayer for freedom from...
Is pornography cheating?
Is pornography cheating? Yes. Oh, sorry…I guess I need to write more. Well, I guess I can explain it a...
7 Spiritual Weapons to Battle Pornography
In this post I would like to suggest seven spiritual weapons that have great effects in the battle against pornography....
How does a woman break free from pornography?
The thing about breaking free from lust is just that, you don’t just break free. It isn’t a wall to...
HELP! I Can’t Stop Looking at Porn
Pornography use has become an epidemic. The governors of Utah and Tennessee have recently declared pornography a, “public health crisis.”...
Are You Finally Ready to be Free? (Part 2)
In my last article we looked at two important approaches to heal from pornography: prayer and accountability. In this article...
6 Ways to Protect your Kids From Porn
I’d like to begin this post with a warning from the U.S Justice Department: “Never before in the history of...
Why Struggling With Porn Is A Good Thing
Whenever I’m interviewed on the topic of pornography, my interviewer usually begins by reminding the audience of what a ginormous...
10 Ways to Make Sure Your Kids Are Sucked into a Porn Culture
To quote the excellent book by Pamela Paul, “The all-pornography, all-the-time mentality is everywhere in today’s pornified culture” (Pornified: How...
Porn and the Epidemic of Singleness
Many men underestimate the impact of their attachment to pornography. I’m not trying to villainize anyone, for I know first-hand...
Porn and What No One Is Talking About  
Some people consume pornography and are okay with it. Others with the same inclination hate it. This article is about...
Are Chick-Flicks Emotional Porn?
Our favorite movies make us feel things. As Hollywood legend Susan Sarandon said, "You go into a little dark room and...
Homosexuality and Porn: My Story
As a lonely and rejected little boy, my first discovery of gay pornography felt like a miracle. In a sense,...
4 Myths: Women and the “M word”
Last week a college freshman came up to me after a chastity workshop to “talk.” I could tell she was...
You Need To Talk To Your Kids About Porn
A few years back when my son was about seven years of age he asked me, very matter-of-factly, what pornography...
Quitting Porn Doesn’t Have to Be Drudgery
Ending your daily binge on porn involves some major life changes, but quitting doesn't have to be the drudgery you...
3 Things Every Guy Should Know About Porn
When a guy tells me he's looking at porn, I don't love him any less. In a way, I feel...
5 Lies in 50 Shades
Hopefully, you’ve already decided that Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t worth your time. But since, as Christians, we’re called to engage the...
Are You Finally Ready to be Free? (Part 1)
If you or someone you love struggles with pornography, it’s my hope that the following two blogs will be of...
Is fantasy a good thing?
Fantasy (n): something that is produced by the imagination; an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality....
5 Things to Know and Share About Sex Trafficking
1. WHAT IS SEX TRAFFICKING Sex trafficking is a subset of human trafficking  and has been defined by the 2013 Trafficking in...
Dear sisters, please don’t settle!
Pornography kills. It kills love, intimacy, and relationships. Sometimes it even kills people. Literally, a friend of mine almost died while on...
Overcoming Porn Addiction
He was one of the last men in the room; his shoulders slouched and his face dejected. We had just...
Why porn shows too little
I was 13 when my family moved away from all of my friends. It was a strange, new culture I...
Depression and Porn—My Story
Imagine a massive earthquake on the floor of the ocean near a seaside town. The unseen damage is catastrophic. But...
50 Shades of Grey: Confessions of a Former Porn Addict
My first crazy college night out on town consisted of a walk with some of my new friends to the...
I was 4 when I first asked my dad about sex.
I was 4 years old when I first asked my dad about sex. My dad looked back at me in...
An open letter to porn viewers
[The following is a high school teacher’s letter to his students on pornography] Dear Seniors, Our desire as human beings is...
Internet Safety is an Illusion
4 Critical Things Parents Must Do to Protect Their Children from Porn As Christians, we should be the least naïve...
The Day I Traded Porn for Love
Until a month ago, I'd never told anyone (except my wife) that I used to be addicted to porn. I...
Starting Over
“If it were me, I would feel trapped.” I had no idea how prophetic those words would become. I had...
Uncovering the Lies in “50 Shades of Grey”
I want to first say that I have not read 50 Shades of Grey. But from all of the hype,...
The Mystery of Sex
So I recently learned that Kim Kardashain took 1200 selfies and sent them to Kanye West as a Valentine’s Day...
How to Strengthen Relationships Against Porn
As women we have a go-to guy, don’t we? And, girl, you can’t say you don’t love him! Sometimes there...
The Beauty of Woman
Here it goes. Get out your phone. Open Google. Now, fill your search history with searches of beautiful women. Wait,...
“It’s not you… it’s me.”
“It’s not you… it’s me.” These are well-known “famous last words” of so many relationships. Well, this is what I wish...
The importance of modesty . . . for MEN
Before we walk down this minefield, let’s set the record straight: this is also a guyissue, not just one for...
Return to the Father
Hours before we were married, my wife and I went to Confession separately, wanting to enter into marriage as free...
Smettere con il porno non deve essere faticoso
Terminare la tua abbuffata quotidiana di porno comporta alcuni importanti cambiamenti nella vita, ma smettere non deve essere il lavoro...
The Universal Heartache of a Sexual Past
Whether you’re the one with the past or the one in love with someone with a past, discussing the sexual...
How to Fight Porn Addiction Like Saint Augustine
Augustine was no stranger to lust. In fact, if he was living in today’s world, he might even describe himself...
Why Porn Can’t Replace Intimacy
Today I was reading an article on a tech blog that was applauding a porn company for its innovative use...
Why I’m Waiting to Have Sex Until I’m Married
My inbox is flooded daily with questions from young women saying, My boyfriend says that if I really love him, I’ll...
Four Things I Learned while Battling Masturbation
It has always been interesting to me that many young men and women struggle with masturbation, but seldom will you...
To the Girl without a Father
The most pandemic wound of our world is fatherlessness. Every little girl yearns to be pursued by her father. She...
The Devil Wants You To Settle in Your Relationship
Besides choosing to give Christ my entire heart and life at 18 (after falling in love with Him in the...
How to help a friend who struggles with chastity
Being chaste in today’s world is tough. We are surrounded by a media that says it's uncool to be a...
Four keys to finding love (for men)
Even though I am a man, I find it much more difficult to coach men instead of women in the...
3 Keys to Save your Future Marriage
There is a tendency among those who have not yet committed to a vocation to assume that they are called...
The Feminine Genius
What does it mean to be a woman? This is a question that has plagued my mind since I was...
Hope After the Rainbow
I’m a Catholic male and same-sex attractions are a part of my story. However, it has recently been written onto...
The Gaze of the Beloved
Am I seen for what I am, or who I am? Recently, I had a long, conversation with a friend...
Top 10 Reasons Not to Sext
About a third of teens admit that they’ve sent sexually suggestive texts or images online or over their phones. Given...
Single, but not unloved!
I have been in romantic relationships in my life, but I have been sporting single life for a while now....
10 Tips to Stay Chaste
Let’s face it, practicing chastity is tough. When the ache for affection and intimacy comes, it can draw us into places...
How to use the Bible to Pray For Your Future (or Current) Spouse
Praying for my future spouse was one of the keys to my decision to stay pure as a teen. Ultimately,...
The Vocation Fixation: What Does God Want?
I once heard a religious sister’s vocation story where she described her discernment process as the feeling that God was...
Fasting for Love
We had only been dating for a month when the semester ended and the bleak reality struck: my boyfriend and...
How to talk to friends about chastity . . . without losing them
I am often approached by young people who begin our conversation with the phrase, “So I have this friend…” Many...
Sloth and the Restless Heart
People typically think of sloth as simply “laziness,” a lack of a serious work ethic. But the Christian tradition has...
14 Things You Can Do for You and Your Future Spouse This Valentine’s Day!
Store aisles are overstocked with giant teddy bears, exquisite rose bouquets, and LOTS of chocolate.  Valentine’s Day is here and our...
How Far is Too Far?
I lead a weekly Bible study with a group of high school young men. Prom was approaching and the guys...
It’s not difficult to be a saint.
Nothing brings us to despair faster than a sense of meaninglessness, a lack of purpose in our lives. These feelings...
The most important part of a relationship
Looking for dating and relationship advice? I have an answer: try being present. I reached for my pocket to check...

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Pornography: What’s the Problem?
If You Really Loved Me
By: Jason Evert
Pure Love (Public school version)
By: Jason Evert
The Case for Chastity (Volume 1)
By: Jason and Crystalina Evert
The Case for Chastity (Volume 2)
Pure Freedom
By: Audrey Assad
Pure Love (Catholic version)
By: Jason Evert
The Case for Chastity (Volume 3)

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