Welcome to
Chastity Project!
I’m Jason Evert, and with my wife, Crystalina, I started Chastity Project to help teens and young adults discover why chastity makes you free to love. To date, we have reached more than two million people on six continents!
Why are we doing this? Because our culture is broken. All around us, teens and young adults are starving for real love but gorging themselves on the counterfeit: lust. Society promises them that they’ll find fulfillment in pleasure divorced from sacrifice, but God’s plan for human love is the only thing that truly satisfies.
Even if we’ve made mistakes in the past, our hearts still desire a love that is pure. Why? Because purity alone makes intimacy possible. Our hearts are made for love, and our minds are made for the truth . . . and chastity offers us both. We are made for authentic love – love that involves a total, lifelong giving of self. It’s this kind of love alone that satisfies the depths of the human heart!

Crystalina and I are on a mission to bring the message of pure love to a world shackled by lust. We do this by offering:
Top-notch speakers who bring the liberating message of chastity to schools and parishes around the world
A resource library with answers to your most pressing questions above love, sex, marriage and even celibacy
Resources to get you started in becoming a missionary of chastity in your own school or parish.
Through these resources,
we hope to bring many more teens and young adults to discover and embrace their God-given dignity, both body and soul! And we hope to motivate them, in turn, to become missionaries of love among their peers. As Pope Francis said, “Do you know what the best tool is for evangelizing the young? Another young person. This is the path to follow!”

We invite you to explore our site. If you like what you see, please prayerfully consider supporting us in this crucial mission!
Chastity Project is consecrated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.