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Male, Female, Other?

What is gender?  Few words today generate as much controversy as “gender.” Students, parents, and educators are asking: How many genders are there? What if my daughter says she’s trans? Do some people have an intersex brain? Should I use their preferred pronouns? Is gender a social construct? Does surgery prevent suicide? Are puberty blockers safe? What if I experience Read more…

How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul (audiobook)
By: Jason & Crystalina Evert

While navigating through the dating scene, every woman begins to wonder: How do I know when a guy really loves me? Am I being too picky? Do I even deserve love? Is my relationship worth keeping? Is love worth the risk? Are any decent guys left? Single women often feel left alone to find answers to their deep questions about Read more…

The Dating Blueprint (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Women don’t feel comfortable telling a man what they wish he knew about dating. He’s expected to know it. Unfortunately, the only time men receive specific guidelines is when they’re being told what they’re not supposed to do. As a result, very few know what they are supposed to do! What men want is a clear blueprint. Imagine how much simpler Read more…

Forged (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert & Matt Fradd

Good men don’t need more reasons why it’s wrong to use women online, in their imagination, or in reality. What they need are effective strategies to win daily battles and to obtain lasting freedom and victory in the war against lust. Forged is a 33-day exercise designed to purify, heal, and strengthen a man, gradually replacing old vices with new virtues. Read more…

Uncompromising Purity (audiobook)
By: Kelsey Skoch

You’re not the only one. All too often, the topic of sexual purity is presented as something that’s exclusively a male issue. As a result, women who struggle with pornography or masturbation are left to feel as if they’re the only ones. But this isn’t just a “guy” problem. Finally bringing this topic to the light, Uncompromising Purity provides encouragement and practical Read more…

Theology of the Body in One Hour (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Today’s sexual confusion is not caused because the world glorifies sexuality, but because the world fails to see its glory. Through his Theology of the Body, St. John Paul II unveiled the beauty of God’s plan for human love. In 60 minutes, discover how the human body—in its masculinity and femininity—reveals who we are and how we are called to Read more…

Saint John Paul the Great (Audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Although there are countless ways to study Saint John Paul the Great, the most direct route is by entering the man’s heart. Discover the five greatest loves of Saint John Paul II, through remarkable unpublished stories about him from bishops, priests, his students, Swiss Guards, and others. Mining through a mountain of papal resources, Jason Evert has uncovered the gems and Read more…

Show us the Father (audiobook)
By: Devin Schadt

What would happen if every father discovered his true identity, power, and necessity? A father’s mission is to be a link between heaven and earth, between God and His children. He does this by becoming the voice of the Father that his children cannot hear, the face of the Father that his children cannot see, and the touch of the Read more…

Pure Love (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

This booklet is the result of countless interactions between Jason Evert and teenagers during his seminars on chastity. It is the ideal complement to classes on human sexuality. In an easy to read question and answer format, Pure Love is a great introduction to the topic of chastity. You’ve heard the questions before: Is sex bad? Isn’t everyone else doing it? What’s wrong with Read more…

Pure Womanhood (Audiobook)
By: Crystalina Evert

In today’s world, it is all too easy for a young woman to fool herself with lies about love. What does she tell herself? “Guys don’t want a pure girl.” “Nobody’s getting hurt.” “It’s all fun and games.” “It’s my body. It’s my choice.” “If I say no, I might lose him.” “I can’t be alone.” “It’s too late for Read more…

Pure Manhood (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Young men deserve straight answers to tough questions about women, dating, sexuality, and authentic masculinity, including… What do girls want? How far is too far? What’s wrong with just thinking about it? What’s wrong with porn? You’re not hurting anyone. What if it’s just a swimsuit magazine? If she’s willing to do it, why is it wrong? What about safe Read more…

Made New (audiobook)
By: Crystalina Evert

Twenty-five lies stand between abuse survivors and the healing they deserve. They often believe: It was my fault. I’m fine. Really. I can’t tell anyone. I’ll get help later. I’ll never be healed. I’ll never trust again. I’m unlovable. I can’t forgive. God abandoned me… In Made New, Crystalina Evert defuses the power of these lies and others by speaking truth Read more…

Raising Pure Teen (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert & Chris Stefanick

Have a hard time connecting with your teenager about chastity? With the “pornification” of everything from adolescent fashions to primetime television commercials, young people need more guidance today than perhaps ever before. As your children’s primary educators, it’s your right and duty to make sure your children are forearmed and forewarned when it comes to dealing with sexual temptations in Read more…

Purity 365 (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

These to-the-point daily reflections on purity counter the lust served up by the media 365 days a year. If you’ve ever felt alone in your efforts to lead a clean life, read these quotes and remember that real men and women are fighting the same fight today. The saints who have gone before us also fought this battle, won the Read more…

Eclipse of the Body (Audiobook)
By: Christopher West

The world is experiencing a total eclipse of the meaning of the body. The definitions of boy and girl, masculinity and femininity, husband and wife, and mother and father have been obscured, and a shadow of confusion has been cast over gender, marriage, sex, and the family. Everything has been re-defined, and yet none of the new definitions are definite. Read more…

Emotional Virtue (audiobook)
By: Sarah Swafford

Drama-free relationships . . . Do they exist? Today’s dating scene is more complicated than ever, especially with social media, texting, and the endless pressure of the world’s expectations. How can men and women overcome the interior and exterior battles and discover the love they desire? From “Hey” to “I do”—as well as the inevitable “gray areas” along the way—Emotional Virtue offers Read more…

Pure Faith (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Authentic prayer begins when we realize that we do not know how to pray. But what do we do after this realization? Pure Faith is a hardcover devotional written to help people deepen their interior life so that they can encounter God on a daily basis. It contains prayers for every occasion, prayers before and after Mass and Confession, prayers to Read more…

If You Really Loved Me (audiobook)
By: Jason Evert

Teens and young adults need straight answers to tough questions about dating, relationships, and sexual purity. With more than 300 pages of answers that include well over 1000 references and studies, If You Really Loved Me offers a wealth of information in a language that resonates with today’s teens. This (audio)book is a collection of Jason’s replies to the top Read more…