Videos LGBTQ featured videos Gender & the Theology of the Body Cold Showers and Chastity Can a Child be Trans? How to Respond to Temptation (with Fr. Mark Goring) How to Persevere in Purity (with Fr. Mark Goring) The Best Weapon Against Temptation: The Word of God (with Fr. Mark Goring) Develop Your Battle Plan Against Temptation Chastity and the Battle of the Mind (with Fr. Mark Goring) Resenting Chastity (Why People Hate It) What is Gender? The Psychology of Gender The Science of Gender Does God love people who experience homosexual attractions? Homosexuality, Gay Marriage, and Holiness Gender: Why “Matter” Matters (Fr. Malachi) Desire of the Everlasting Hills Why can’t gays marry if infertile couples can? The BEST Ways to Minister to LGBT Teens at Church Catholicism and Gay Pride (Hudson Byblow) Can a “real woman” have masculine interests? Homosexuality and the desire for love: Is God enough? Is homosexuality a cross? Chastity & Homosexuality: Is it realistic? Are Gay/Straight Alliances Good or Bad? Homosexuality and being a “real” man Should you “pray the gay away?” I’m not “gay,” I’m loved. Mental Health and Sexual Struggles: Is there a link? The Masculine Genius My kid says she’s trans. What do I do? Should I use their preferred pronoun? Transgenderism: Is the Church out of touch? What is Masculinity and Femininity? Talking to Trans Friends What’s the goal of Gender Theory? Gender: What does it mean? Homosexuality and Desire No one believes in marriage equality My kid just came out. What do we do? LGBTQ: What do they want from the Church? Does God “hate gays”? How do I come out to my parents? Pope Francis and Civil Unions Homosexuality and Holiness (Jason Evert) Gender Theory Vs. Fact Homosexuality, Gender, and Hope (Hudson Byblow) He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know Anna’s Story The Third Way Sexuality, Gender, & Discovering Catholicism Marriage Equality and Marriage Reality at the Supreme Court Everyone is for “Marriage Equality”, But What Does That Mean? Homosexuality and the Catholic Church What is Marriage? Love and Same Sex Attraction Bruce Jenner & The Transgender Question What is Marriage? Tolerance Gay Marriage and the Breakdown of Moral Argument What is Marriage? (1 of 3) What is Marriage? (2 of 3) What is Marriage? (3 of 3) Why does the Church discriminate against gays? What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality? Infertility and the Same-Sex Marriage Debate