Promoting the Virtue of Chastity
What’s the meaning of sex, gender, and the human body? The truth of masculinity and femininity are being questioned like never before. Discover how your body as a man or woman reveals your identity and calling.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
When it comes to same-sex attractions, is the Church really telling some people not to love? If you experience homosexual attractions or have a loved one who does, you might struggle to accept or explain the Church’s teachings on LGBT issues. In this presentation, you’ll discover how all people can find freedom and love within the Church.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? Find out how God’s plan for human sexuality is good for your body and good for your soul.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Also available in French.
Can you divorce-proof a marriage before it begins? Marriage preparation doesn’t start with the engagement. To build the foundation for lasting love, learn what to do before saying “I do.”
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Is it ever too late to start over? It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been. All that matters now is where you go from here.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
What’s the only way to kill a porn habit? Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. Get the strategies necessary to win the war.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Why save sex for marriage? Scare tactics, guilt trips, and teen pregnancy rates don’t inspire anyone to love. Discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Who is Saint John Paul II? There are countless ways to study Saint John Paul the Great, but the most direct route is by entering the man’s heart. Discover the five greatest loves of Saint John Paul II, through remarkable unpublished stories about him, from those who knew him best.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Also available in Spanish.
Want to be the #1 influence on your teen’s sexual behavior? You already are. Now learn ten strategies to guard the innocence of your family and communicate the message of chastity to them.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
You like each other. Now what? Most people have only been told what they’re not supposed to do while dating. Now learn ten strategies for how to practice courtship without compromise.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Why Be Catholic? There’s ultimately only one reason: because it’s true. Discover the beauty and the treasures of the faith, as revealed through her saints and sacraments.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Drama-free relationships . . . Do they exist? Today’s dating scene is more complicated than ever, especially with social media, texting, and the endless pressure of the world’s expectations. Learn how to navigate through the confusion and discover the freedom that comes from living a virtuous life.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
If you can’t say no to sexual desires, what is your yes worth? Freedom exists for the sake of love. However, the modern idea of it leads to slavery. Discover how authentic sexual freedom can deliver us from the empty promises of “sexual liberation.”
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
What do our sexual desires say about our destiny? Chastity is not about extinguishing our desires, but about setting them ablaze. Learn how your passions can point you to the purpose of life itself.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Is it possible to break free from porn? Conquering the habit of lust isn’t merely a decision. It’s a lifestyle. Arm yourself with the weapons needed to win the hidden battle.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
What’s wrong with a little adult entertainment? It has been said that the problem with porn is not that it shows too much, but that it shows too little. Discover the reality behind the fantasy of porn and learn how to experience authentic sexual freedom.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
What’s the secret to being a great dad? If a father knows his identity, his family will reach its destiny. Learn how the life of St. Joseph offers a blueprint to become the spiritual leader that you are destined to be.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Want to become the father you were created to be? Dads are the link between heaven and earth, between children and their Heavenly Father. Learn from St. Joseph how to become a father on earth like the Father in heaven.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Ever wonder why the opposite sex is so mysterious? You’re not alone. The world’s view of love has caused plenty of confusion and heartache. Discover John Paul II’s revolutionary view of intimacy and the clarity it offers to modern dating relationships. Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, author, and speaker. He teaches at the Augustine Institute, and has written several best-selling books, including Men, Women Read more…
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
Lust isn’t just a “guy problem.” How often have you heard that pornography and sexual sins are things that only men battle against? In this raw and honest testimony, you’ll discover that although women often struggle with the same habits and addictions, they can also obtain freedom and victory over their vices.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
It’s easy to fall in love. Growing in love isn’t always so easy. A great marriage isn’t one that simply stays together. It’s one that flourishes with time. Discover five keys to love your spouse more than you did yesterday.
(Also available on iTunes and Amazon MP3)
The Case for Chastity (Volume 1) is a collection of six popular chastity talks given by Jason and Crystalina Evert, including: “Love or Lust?” “How to Save Your Marriage Before Meeting Your Spouse,” “How to Date Your Soulmate,” “Porn Detox,” “Green Sex,” and “Parenting for Purity.” In this 6-CD set, you’ll hear inspiring and practical insights on tough issues such Read more…
The Case for Chastity (Volume 2) is a collection of six popular presentations given by Chastity Project speakers: Jason Evert, Crystalina Evert, Christopher West, Matt Fradd, Dr. Philip Mango, and Devin Schadt. It includes: “Porn: & Myths Exposed,” “Understanding the Opposite Sex,” “Sexual Freedom,” “What’s so Great About Being Catholic,” “Women Made New,” and “Pure Fatherhood.” In this 6-CD set, Read more…
The Case for Chastity (Volume 3) is a collection of six popular presentations given by Jason Evert, Christopher West, Matt Fradd, Sarah Swafford, and Dr. Edward Sri. It includes: “Sexual Virtue,” “Marriage: From Good to Great,” “Emotional Virtue,” “Men, Women, and the mystery of love,” “Saint John Paul the Great,” and “The Hidden Battle” In this 6-CD set, you’ll hear Read more…