“It is a much better thing to talk to God than to talk about God.”
– St. Therese of Lisieux
St. Therese is a patron saint of foreign missions — although she never left her convent. Why? The Church recognizes that the fruit of apostolic work is ultimately brought about by prayer, not simply through human efforts. For this reason, we beg your prayers for our ministry, our families, and for the people our ministry reaches.
Each year, we speak to more than 100,000 people, and so we’ve personally written to more than 100 convents of nuns around the world, asking for their prayers as well. To join us in prayer, simply “like” us on Facebook, “follow” us on Twitter, or submit your email in the Newsletter subscription below. You’ll receive up-to-the minute notifications when our assemblies happen, when we need your prayers the most. Thank you, and be assured of our prayers in return!