FUSE Guidelines
What is “Fuse?”
Fuse is a high school-level chastity club that bases it’s mission on the writings of Pope John Paul II, particularly Love and Responsibility and Theology of the Body. The late Holy Father had a deep love for young people and viewed them as the leaders who would build a civilization of love. The purpose of Fuse is to promote authentic human love and the virtue of chastity to other young people, primarily through the lens of Pope John Paul II’s work.
How do I get started?
Contact friends who would be interested in the club. Then, find an advisor (an enthusiastic priest, deacon, nun, religion teacher, or campus minister is ideal). He or she can help provide some advice for your projects. Let the person know that the time commitments for him or her will be minimal, and that you’re looking for someone to provide occasional input, motivation, and prayer support. If you find a deacon or priest, he may be able to offer adoration, Mass, or Communion service for the club.
How do I get others to join?
Advertise the club. If there is a Mass on campus, ask the priest if you can make an announcement after it. Announce the meeting over the P.A. and place ads around campus. Use any bulletin board where college flyers are placed, or write an ad or article in the school newspaper. Advertisers recommend using an eye-catching headline in all CAPS, keeping the ad simple, using bullet points for flyers, using endorsement quotes, and putting it in a high-traffic area. High school life tends to be filled with commitments and activities, so do not be discouraged if the club needs to start small. It is better to have five committed members who understand the urgency of promoting purity than fifty members who join for superficial reasons. The level of interest will probably be the opposite of the level of need. In other words, regardless of how many people show up, there is still a tremendous need for the work of the club.
Can the club be affiliated with an existing school organization or club?
Yes. If your campus already has a similar club, you could merge your mission with theirs (if they wish). Affiliating the club with another faith-based group on campus, such as a Pro-Life Club, Campus Ministry Club, FCA, SADD, etc… is fine. It doesn’t matter who gets the credit, as long as the work gets done.
How often is the club required to meet?
This is for each club to decide. Some clubs find it helpful to meet monthly, while others prefer bi-weekly or weekly meetings. To be a member, each person should maintain a chaste lifestyle, and attend the meetings.
What are the different offices within the club?
- The Advisor is an adult who will oversee the club, as mentioned above.
- The President will direct each meeting, and guide the club to accomplish their projects.
- The Vice-President will stand in place of the President when he/she is absent, and assist the President in all club activities. The VP will also keep track of any funds obtained though fundraising, donations, etc.
What will the meetings consist of?
The first meeting should include an explanation of the club’s mission and purpose. It is preferable that the advisor be present at this first meeting, to share a few words of encouragement. The leader of the club should give an example of some of the projects that can be accomplished, and brainstorm with the club as to which one should be accomplished first. Before ending, schedule the next meeting and get the contact info for each student. Each meeting should include:
1. Prayer: To begin each meeting, pray a Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament in your chapel. Make sure to pray for the students on your campus. If Eucharistic adoration is available, make use of this as often as possible. If certain club members are speaking about chastity in a classroom or retreat, make sure other members are interceding in adoration at that same time. If you have a list of the names of the students in your school, perhaps you could use their names as the beads of the Rosary, offering a prayer for each of them, one Rosary at a time.
2. Formation: Promote chastity within the club. For example:
- Watch and discuss a 30-minute video from The Pure Life or Theology of the Body for Teens.
- Read and discuss a chapter from Pure Love, Pure Womanhood, or Pure Manhood.
- Give a presentation on the life of a saint who practiced heroic purity.
- Practice giving your testimonies or presenting on a chastity-related topic.
- Discuss a Bible passage that relates to chastity or love.
- Break into male/female groups to address specific issues.
- Create accountability partners. A partner is someone who will specifically pray for you and will help you stay strong. Partners should not be co-ed.
3. Apostolic work: Decide which project will be launched next. Click here for a list of projects.
Not all meetings need to be formal. Social time for hanging out, pizza, games, etc… is essential. For high school clubs, any official off-campus events must be done with permission and supervision of the advisor, if necessary.
How does one join Fuse?
Those who wish to join should begin attending the club meetings. Some clubs may wish to have a commitment ceremony, where following a meeting or Mass at school, the advisor could lead the students in an explanation and prayer, followed by a time of signing the commitment card.