
To all the men in the world: I’m sorry.

An apology on behalf of all women.

Dear Brothers,

I’m sorry. I’m truly sorry.

While I don’t know you personally, I want to write this letter to you on behalf of all women. I hope and pray that it will speak truth in your life and call you to experience mercy in a new way, and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

I am writing this letter because of the profound impact YOU and other men have had on my life. With that said, I also recognize the profound impact that my behavior, and sometimes hurtful actions have had in your own life. I want to ask for your forgiveness in all the ways I have hurt you and all the ways I have failed to call you to greatness.

I feel deep sorrow about the destructive ways my sisters and I have treated you in the past. Please allow me to apologize:

I am sorry for all the times I’ve hurt you, messed up, lied to you, or the way I have talked about you. I’m sorry for the ways I have manipulated you and allowed my jealousy to not trust you.

I’m sorry for the comments, the gossip, and the negativity that I have stirred up. I’m sorry for all the ways I have used you. I’m sorry for the dishonesty, and the hurt I have caused in the deepest part of your heart. I’m sorry for the ways I haven’t acknowledged your masculinity.

For all the ways I never affirmed you, I am sorry.

I am sorry for all the times I have led you into sin; perhaps it was by the context of our conversation, by what I was wearing, by the song that was playing or the movie we were watching—I am sorry. The truth is: You don’t deserve to live in sin. You don’t deserve darkness. You deserve the best.

For all the ways I have failed you, I am sorry. I promise to do better. I know who I am as a daughter of God, and I recognize you as a beloved son of God. I feel deep love, great respect and an appreciation for the gifts of your masculinity. I want to help foster your growth as a man, as a future father and as the spiritual leader God is calling you to be.

I desire to honor the beauty and integrity of your body. I long for a friendship with you that is built on the foundation of Christ. I desire to journey with you to sainthood. I want the best for you. I love you and I am praying for you. Please forgive me.

Your sister in Christ,



Kelly Colangelo has been involved in youth ministry for nearly a decade spreading the Gospel message at retreats, rallies and conferences across the country. Her hope is to challenge youth to be everything God intended them to be… and go to heaven of course! Kelly has appeared on EWTN’s Life on the Rock, and has been a contributor to Life Teen blogs. She is also part of the Steubenville Summer Youth Conference Ministry Speaking Team. Kelly currently serves as the Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry at a parish in Florida. She received her Bachelor’s at Niagara University and has a Master’s degree in counseling from Syracuse University. You can find more information about Kelly at

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