
Planned Parenthood – The Enemy of Chastity

If you have been following the news this past summer, Planned Parenthood Federation of America has found themselves in a very big scandal. They are facing congressional hearings and the prospect of losing their $528.4 million annual government funding due to the accusations that they are violating federal law by selling aborted baby’s body parts for profit. The tenth undercover investigative video on Planned Parenthood was released by The Center for Medical Progress this past week. Each of the videos has been more incriminating and horrifying than the previous and this was not an exception.

But this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Government funding represents over 40% of Planned Parenthood’s annual budget. Another 20+% of their annual revenue comes from abortions. This means, to keep the doors open, Planned Parenthood needs a steady stream of desperate and hurting women with unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood needs revenue to fund their organization, and basic healthcare for poor women is not lucrative. And therein lies the reason why Planned Parenthood is involved in this scandal.

Planned Parenthood’s business model depends upon people choosing to participate in reckless sexual behavior.

Many people are outraged about the current scandal. What some of these people don’t realize is that this scandal is far from the first. In fact, Planned Parenthood has been caught in several scandals involving the teaching and covering up of reckless sexual behaviors. Here are three scandals you may not have heard about:

Planned Parenthood has repeatedly covered up the rape of minors.

In 2008, Lila Rose made national headlines as a college student at UCLA when she went undercover with hidden cameras and posed as a 13-year-old girl wanting an abortion from a Planned Parenthood facility. She told the employee at Planned Parenthood that the father of the child was 31 years old. The employee broke the law and told Lila to lie about her age and that she could receive the abortion with no questions asked. This investigation was repeated at 8 different Planned Parenthood clinics in America, all with the same result.

Sadly, this situation has been documented as happening several additional times at PPFA clinics over the past several years—and in these cases, the situations were real. Planned Parenthood has been documented as not reporting real incidents of rape and abuse in seven states.

Planned Parenthood was caught aiding and embedding in Child Sex Trafficking.

In 2011, Lila Rose’s team at Live Action did another undercover video investigation, this time impersonating a pimp seeking abortion services for underage minors involved in a child sex trafficking ring. The pimp said that he needed abortions for his prostitutes who were underage and undocumented. Not only did the Planned Parenthood employee not report the incident, she gave the pimp advice on what he could do to get around the legal system. This investigation was repeated in three additional clinics with similar results.

Planned Parenthood has included Fifty Shades of Grey in their Sex Education to teenagers.

When your profits depend on young girls getting pregnant, it’s no surprise that Planned Parenthood has infiltrated the school system and is now teaching sex education. What do the lessons involve? You probably wouldn’t have guessed Fifty Shades of Grey. There is a video on the Planned Parenthood’s website for teens where BDSM is encouraged as a form of sexual experimentation. In 2014, Lila Rose’s team again went undercover, this time with a fifteen-year-old girl stating that her boyfriend had approached her about trying BDSM. The medical advisor in all four investigated PPFA clinics encouraged the teenager to experiment with her boyfriend, read Fifty Shades of Grey, and go to pornographic websites to learn about sex.

Defeat Planned Parenthood – Practice Chastity!

The one option that you will never see Planned Parenthood clinics encourage is the one option that is free, healthy and never results in an abortion, pain and suffering, or an unwanted pregnancy: Planned Parenthood never encourages chastity. In fact, they want you to believe that chastity is impossible and women need the “services,” they provide. The reason why Planned Parenthood is willing to cover-up rape and sex trafficking and encourage BDSM is because it all feeds a culture that ends up padding their pocketbook. Planned Parenthood is an enemy of chastity. If you want to affect change, there are three things that you can do:

  1. Contact your senators and state representatives and ask them to vote to defund Planned Parenthood.
  2. Use another medical facility for care and work with school officials to keep Planned Parenthood out of schools and sex education.
  3. PRACTICE CHASTITY! It is only when the culture becomes a culture of love that we will defeat this corrupt organization.


Everett-Fritz-headshot3-840x1024EVERETT FRITZ is the author of Freedom: Battle Strategies for Conquering Temptation – due for release by Ignatius Press in October 2015. He has dedicated his life to serving young people in the Church by challenging them to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Everett regularly speaks on the topics of discipleship, youth evangelization and chastity. He married Katrina, his high school sweetheart, in 2006. They reside in Denver, Colorado with their children. To contact Everett to speak or to learn more about his apostolates, visit Connect with him here on Facebook or Twitter.

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