30 Day Modesty Challenge
Challenge time, beautiful ladies of the Lord! In our culture nowadays it seems that it is much easier for us to dress immodestly than modestly. So here’s my challenge…
Dress modestly for 30 days.
Instagram it with the hashtag #30daymodestychallenge . (Yes… take some selfies. No judgement)
Pray about it and see what happens!
Question time… Why did I decide to take this challenge on?
A. During the hot months of summer I have noticed my desire to wear clothing that is not as modest because of convenience, but I want to change that thinking around! For me… I want to not only respect myself but I want to respect those around me! This is what modest dressing does… allows men to feel safe and women to allow the men to see their dignity within. Jason Evert said, “Women, modesty means you have beauty and power. And you use that to teach men how to love you for the right reasons.” THIS is why I am doing this challenge! And why I would like you to join me!! Modesty reveals the inner beauty while also allowing for the women to still embrace her femininity. How great is that!
What are some modesty guidelines?
A. Layering is always good! Make sure that your most private parts of your body are veiled. Shirts too low or shorts too high should be avoided. Shorts that are right above the knee are usually best, but trust me I know how hard it is to find some that fit “modest” standards. It may take some digging but I’m sure you can find some that work! If all else fails? Make some skirts or shorts yourself! Its really fun and cost efficient. Another suggestion, as women our stomach area is sacred and will eventually contain life, therefore it’d be best to cover it up!
Kileen, I’ve seen some modest clothing… It’s not cute. What can I do to style it up?
A. If you need some ideas check out my Pinterest profile! I’ll be updating it with my 30 Day Modesty Challenge board! Also the Instagrams will help give some ideas!!
I’ll be posting every week through the duration of the challenge! Let’s bring back a culture of modesty!
I’ll be praying for you, please pray for me!
Kileen Willis is a senior at Colorado State University and will graduate with a degree in teaching history at the secondary level. She is passionately driven by her love of Christ which brought her to become involved with FOCUS, Students for Life, and become the author of the blog “Daughter of a King.” She tries to write about real life topics such as; dating, fashion, and the New Evangelization to young adult Catholics who are both male and female. She hopes to become a Catholic High School teacher but more importantly she hopes to go to Heaven. Read more of her blog posts and follow her at boldinloveblog.wordpress.com. “