
Uncovering the Lies in “50 Shades of Grey”
I want to first say that I have not read 50 Shades of Grey. But from all of the hype,...
50 Shades of Grey: Confessions of a Former Porn Addict
My first crazy college night out on town consisted of a walk with some of my new friends to the...
The Buzzword Shared By 50 Shades and the Bible
With the rise in popularity of the book turned film, 50 Shades of Grey, the word "submission" has suddenly risen...
5 Lies in 50 Shades
Hopefully, you’ve already decided that Fifty Shades of Grey isn’t worth your time. But since, as Christians, we’re called to engage the...
Planned Parenthood – The Enemy of Chastity
If you have been following the news this past summer, Planned Parenthood Federation of America has found themselves in a...
Love Is Simple
A couple of years ago I was sitting on a couch, listening to few of my friends discuss the idea...
10 Tips to Stay Chaste
Let’s face it, practicing chastity is tough. When the ache for affection and intimacy comes, it can draw us into places...
Sexual Violence: It Could Happen To Me
“Believe me. Listen. You will hear me. I am worthy.” I do not listen to Lady Gaga lyrics often, but...
4 Myths: Women and the “M word”
Last week a college freshman came up to me after a chastity workshop to “talk.” I could tell she was...
I was 4 when I first asked my dad about sex.
I was 4 years old when I first asked my dad about sex. My dad looked back at me in...
The Danger of Praying for Your Crush
Have you ever questioned the best thing to do or to say around your crush? This is a story about...
5 Menzogne in 50 Sfumature di Grigio
Spero che tu abbia già deciso che Cinquanta Sfumature di Grigio, non merita il tuo tempo. Ma dal momento che,...
A More Pure 2021: Confession & Boundaries
I’ll never forget going to confession and the priest telling me that I shouldn’t be kissing or touching my boyfriend...

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